AMSTERDAM — The city Common Council is set to vote on accepting a $50,000 state Local Waterfront Revitalization Program grant at a special meeting tonight. The council moved its regular first Tuesday of the month meeting to Monday at 6 p.m., to avoid Election Day.
The council will vote on applying for LWRP money to hire a consulting firm to update the city’s 27-year-old LWRP plan.
Amanda Bearcroft, Amsterdam’s community and economic development director, said the city first applied for the $50,000 LWRP grant from the state Department of State in 2018, but was denied.
“We then reapplied in 2019 through the [New York state Consolidated Funding Application] process through the Department of State, and we were awarded the grant,” Bearcroft said. The $50,000 LWRP grant requires a local match, which the council resolution Monday night sets at a $10,000 cash contribution. The grant will be administered under the city’s Community and Economic Development Department, led by Bearcroft.
The Recorder