by Kate Hill
VILLAGE OF MANLIUS – David and Louis Muraco, of Empire Management Of CNY, Inc., presented their plans for the proposed “Manlius Firehouse Renovation” project at 4 Stickley Dr. The Muracos are seeking a special use permit from the village board to move forward with their plans to transform the fire station into a mixed-use building featuring two first floor retail spaces and four upstairs apartments, which would be accessible via stairs and a small elevator.
David is the founder and president of the real estate development firm, which specializes in “the redevelopment of vacant, abandoned, or underutilized land and buildings.”
His son, Louis, oversees the firm’s commercial division. “We think that we have done something pretty dynamic with the building,” David said. “I give our architect a lot of credit for adding outdoor seating, which everybody seems to be pushing towards. It’s pretty dynamic in that corner of the building.”
The Muracos informed the board that one of the first floor tenants, Utica Pizza, has already been secured. The space will feature an Italian restaurant, a bar, and outdoor seating.
According to David, the village has been considering the proposal and initial drawings for the past 40 days.
Eagle Bulletin