By Joshua Maloni
GM/Managing Editor
The Village of Lewiston Planning Commission on Monday granted preliminary site plan approval for what was described as a national urgent care company to erect and operate a structure at 860 Center St. The parcel has been vacant since April 2012, when the building that now houses the Niagara River Region Chamber of Commerce office was transported from the site and moved across the street to Academy Park.
Architect Jim Fittante spoke on behalf of the unnamed applicant. He said a quick-care medical center would provide “very low traffic” compared to alternative site uses. The lot has long been rumored to become a national fast-food chain location, but that will likely not be the case now.
His first submission calls for a 3,546-square-foot building with a peak height of 22 feet sitting adjacent to a 36-space parking lot, with ingress/egress points at both Center and North Ninth streets. The latter driveway would utilize an existing, unused path that curves behind the Sunoco gas station/APlus mini-mart.
Style, colors, landscaping and hours of operation are to be determined. The project, as it stands now, is not expected to require any variances.
Island Dispatch